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Low-Calorie Pizza Recipe

August 15, 2024

Low-Calorie Pizza Recipe

Who doesn’t love a good pizza to save the day when you need a lunch or dinner in a pinch or to top off a lazy Saturday? It is a popular comfort food no matter the season, but not without cost. A traditional pizza can have as much as 300 calories per slice, and so today, I’m sharing some low-calorie pizza recipes that you can enjoy guilt free.

Low-Calorie Pizza Recipe

When making a healthy pizza recipe (and low calorie recipes), it’s important to consider the number of calories per serving. These recipes are all lower in calories compared to popular pizza brands, but if you really want to make a low calorie pizza recipe, you can make adjustments to the recipes below by swapping out the pizza toppings, pizza sauce, or swap out full fat cheese for something low fat like part skim mozzarella. That way you can stick to around 50 calories per slice!

What Is Considered A Low-Calorie Food

Low calorie foods usually help you lose weight and feel full like these high volume low calorie foods for example. When on a low calorie diet, it’s typical to stick to under 1500 calories per day, which breaks down to around 100-300 calories per meal or snack give or take. Enjoy this wide range of options so you can eat pizza (and the pizza crust) without the guilt and still feel comforted with the delicious flavor options.

Heads up: Many of these recipes have a new spin to the pizza crust so you can put away the rising flour, baking powder, and plastic wrap for some of these quick and easy (and lower calorie) alternatives.

How To Make Low-Calorie Pizza

BBQ Chicken Pizzas

523 calories

Low-Calorie Pizza Recipe

While this one is the highest calorie option on our list, it’s a lot lower than traditional pizza recipes, and if you swap the full fat mozzarella cheese for one that’s low far like part skim mozzarella, you can cut back and end up with even fewer calories.


4 Tbsp Barbeque sauce, unsweetened – 30 calories

½ cup Cheese, shredded, mozzarella – 168 calories 

4 oz Rotisserie chicken – 200 calories

2 Tortilla, whole wheat or corn, small – 120 calories

⅛ Onion, red – 6 calories

1 Tbsp Parsley, fresh – 0 calories


Step 1

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Step 2

Dice onion.

Step 3

Dice chicken, mix together with 1/2 your bbq sauce.

Step 4

Spread the rest of your bbq sauce on the tortillas.

Step 5

Top tortillas with chicken, cheese, and red onion.

Step 6

Bake (or air fry) for 5-10 minutes, depending on how crispy you want your pizzas.

Step 7

Top with fresh parsley.

No dairy? Use a dairy-free cheese or use a dairy-free pesto instead of the BBQ sauce and cheese (available at most stores). No chicken? Use tofu or beans. Gluten free? Use gluten free tortilla, e.g. corn.

Note: you don’t have to use rotisserie chicken – baked or grilled chicken breast will work just as well.

Egg Pizza

237 calories

Egg Pizza


2 Egg, large – 144 calories

1 oz Cheese, sliced, mozzarella, full fat/ regular – 70 calories

⅛ cup Tomatoes, canned, crushed – 6 calories

1 Tbsp Cheese, Parmesan, grated (Tbsp) – 17 calories

¼ tsp Salt – 0 calories

¼ tsp Pepper, ground – 0 calories

¼ tsp Basil, dried – 0 calories

¼ tsp Oregano – 0 calories


Step 1

In a bowl, crack in eggs & whisk with a fork

Step 2

Spray a small pan with an oil spray. Turn on medium heat.

Step 3

Add eggs into the pan, flip with a turner once eggs are mostly cooked through. Let cook for another 1-2 minutes.

Step 4

Top with flat, cooked-through egg with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, parmesan, and seasonings. Cover pan with lid, turn heat to low, and let “pizza” cook until cheese has melted.

No dairy? Use a dairy-free cheese or salami, bacon, or turkey pepperoni (or a vegetarian meat version).

Egg Pizza with Olives

253 calories

Egg Pizza with Olives

Imagine this with a side of Greek yogurt in the morning. It’s so good.


2 Egg, large – 144 calories

¼ cup Cheese, shredded, mozzarella – 84 calories

¼ cup Tomatoes, canned, crushed – 13 calories

¼ tsp Basil, dried – 0 calories

⅛ tsp Garlic salt – 0 calories

¼ oz Olives, sliced – 13 calories


Step 1

Spray a pan with an oil spray.

Step 2

Crack and whisk eggs with a fork in a small bowl.

Step 3

Add eggs to pan, cook until edges are set and you can flip the egg “pancake” over with turner(s).

Step 4

Top with tomatoes, olives, and cheese.

Step 5

Cook until the egg “pancake” is set on both sides, and cheese is melted.

Step 6

Top with seasonings.

No dairy? Use a dairy-free cheese, or cooked bacon bits.

Use fresh basil if you like.

Cauliflower Crust Pizza with Prosciutto

477 calories

Cauliflower Crust Pizza with Prosciutto


½ Cauliflower pizza crust – 240 calories

⅓ cup Cheese, shredded, cheddar – 152 calories

½ cup Tomatoes, canned, crushed – 25 calories

1 oz Prosciutto – 60 calories

¼ tsp Pepper, ground – 0 calories


Step 1

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Step 2

Bake pizza crust as instructed – often 15 minutes on each side (without toppings).

Step 3

Top with toppings, bake for another 5 minutes.

Pesto Pizzas

351 calories

Pesto Pizzas - Low-Calorie Pizza Recipe


2 Tortilla, whole wheat or corn, small – 120 calories

1 oz Cheese, Parmesan, shaved (oz) – 111 calories

2 Tbsp Pesto (Tbsp) – 120 calories

¼ tsp Basil, dried – 0 calories

¼ tsp Oregano – 0 calories


Step 1

Preheat oven or toaster oven to 425 degrees

Step 2

Top tortillas with 1/2 amount of pesto and Parmesan, each

Step 3

Top with spices

Step 4

Heat in oven or toaster oven for 5-6 minutes

Notes: No dairy? Use a dairy-free pesto, available at most stores, and bacon instead of Parm. Just a note – this recipe makes 2 tortilla pizzas, even though only one is pictured.

Gluten free? Use gluten-free tortillas, e.g. corn.

Pizza Skillet

397 calories

Pizza Skillet - Low-Calorie Pizza Recipe


4 oz Ground beef, 90% lean, raw – 185 calories

¼ oz Pepperoni – 35 calories

⅓ cup Cheese, shredded, mozzarella – 112 calories

¼ cup Tomatoes, canned, crushed – 13 calories

½ Onion, yellow, large – 28 calories

½ Bell pepper, orange, large – 25 calories

¼ tsp Garlic, minced (tsp) – 0 calories

¼ tsp Basil, dried – 0 calories

¼ tsp Oregano – 0 calories

⅛ tsp Garlic salt – 0 calories


Note: this recipe works best if making more than 1 serving at once. So double, triple etc. the ingredients list and then divide by 2, 3 etc. equal sized portions when done.

Step 1

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Step 2

Dice onion and pepper.

Step 3

Spray an oven-safe pan with an oil spray.

Step 4

Stir fry minced garlic (I buy jarred, pre-minced), onion, pepper, and ground beef for ~12 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until beef and onion have cooked through.

Step 5

Add in tomatoes, and seasonings (can season liberally).

Step 6

Top with cheese, and then pepperoni.

Step 7

Bake for 15 minutes, then broil for 3, and serve!

No dairy? Use dairy-free cheese. No meat? Use beans for the meat, and add more cheese instead of the pepperoni.

Sweet Potato Pizzas

239 calories

Sweet Potato Pizzas


1 Potato, sweet, medium, 5 inches – 112 calories

⅓ cup Cheese, shredded, mozzarella – 112 calories

2 Tbsp Barbeque sauce, unsweetened – 15 calories

⅛ tsp Salt – 0 calories

⅛ tsp Pepper, ground – 0 calories


Step 1

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F

Step 2

Slice sweet potato in half

Step 3

Microwave for 5-6 minutes, or until the sweet potato has cooked through

Step 4

Place wax paper on top of sweet potato halves and mash into pancake shapes with a large heavy, flat object like a cast iron skillet

Step 5

Top with bbq sauce, cheese, salt & pepper

Step 6

Bake for 10 minutes

No dairy? Use a dairy free cheese, or top with chicken or bacon pieces instead of cheese

Tortilla Pizza with Chicken

428 calories

Tortilla Pizza with Chicken


2 Tortilla, whole wheat or corn, small – 120 calories

⅛ cup Tomatoes, canned, crushed – 6 calories

⅓ cup Cheese, shredded, mozzarella – 112 calories

6 oz Chicken breast, boneless, skinless, raw – 190 calories

¼ tsp Oregano – 0 calories

¼ tsp Basil, dried – 0 calories

¼ tsp Salt – 0 calories

¼ tsp Pepper, ground – 0 calories


Step 1

Slice chicken into strips.

Step 2

Spray pan with an oil spray.

Step 3

Cook chicken for ~8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until cooked through, on medium heat.

Step 4

Top tortillas with sauce, chicken, cheese, and seasonings.

Step 5

Bake in toaster oven or cook briefly on stovetop until golden brown.

Step 6

No chicken? Use beans or tofu. Gluten free? Dairy-free? Use a dairy-free pesto sauce (available at most stores) instead of the tomato sauce and cheese. Use gluten free tortilla, e.g. corn.

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